14th International Brennball- Tournament in Würzburg

German Open

Saturday, 10th July 2010

Information and enrolment

Logo Brennballtournament, 5 kB

Please use the follwing form for your enrolment. If your browser doesn't support it - and even for questions - use the email- adress down.

Remember! Last day for enrolment is June, 30th 2010!

Who's allowed to enrol?

Teams with min. 8 and max. 10 players, among them at least three of every sex. Players are only allowed to take part in one team in a tournament.
Enrolment is possible for single persons or groups, which have not enough players for a team, too! "Surprise- teams" will be formed before the tournament.
In this case please type "still searching team" into the "Name of the team"- field!

Fee 5 €/player. Not for players travelling from a foreign country directly to the tournament.

Name of the team:
Name of teamleader:
Email- adress:
Postal adress:
Names of players:


If your browser doesn't support the form or if you want to send any question, please send us a mail with the information asked in the form.

You can also phone or send a fax:

Ulrich Kraus, phone ++49/931/99 13 56 15, Fax: ++49/931/99 13 56 16

Brennball- homepage in English

Brännbolls hemsida på svenska

Brennball- Homepage auf Deutsch

Brennball- homepage en español

Schülerladen- Schülertreffpunkt e.V.
